Healthy Eating Week

Nutrition / Healthy Diet / Lifestyle / Family Health

This year’s BNF Healthy Eating Week will run from 28 September to 4 October 2020.

The aim of the Week is to focus on key health messages and promote healthy habits. This year’s health challenges are:

  • Eat more wholegrains
  • Vary your veg
  • Drink plenty
  • Move more
  • Be mind kind
  • Get active together
  • Eat together

It is all about raising awareness, and how to eat more healthily, & thanks to this, live a better life! Specifically, the BNF want to encourage and promote, healthy eating and drinking habits, being physically active, food provenance and cooking from scratch as opposed to eating out and ready-made, processed food.


Please see attached guidance on each topic


PDF icon Be Mind Kind.pdfPDF icon Drink Plenty.pdfPDF icon Eat more Wholegrains.pdfPDF icon Eat Together.pdfPDF icon Get Active together.pdfPDF icon Move More.pdfPDF icon Vary your Veg.pdf