Teachers' Credit Union - Information Webinar - Recording

Webinar session recordings / Managing Your Money / Savings

Did you know that all EA staff Teaching and Non-Teaching can join the Teachers’ Credit Union?

Teachers’ Credit Union recently delivered an interactive webinar to all EA staff on the benefits of becoming a member and how easy it is to join. To access the recording please click here - Teachers' Credit Union - Recording

Teachers’ Credit Union is a not-for-profit organisation which specialises in providing a great place for your savings, affordable and flexible loans and free life insurance benefits to all its members.

Established in 1965 and celebrating its 60th anniversary next year, Teachers’ Credit Union was initially established to serve only Teachers but has expanded over the years and membership is now open to everyone employed within the education and training sector. This includes all ancillary staff, learning support or administrative staff employed within any educational institution across the whole of Northern Ireland.