Become an EA Staff Health and Wellbeing Champion

Workplace Health
  1. Have you a vested interest in having a positive impact on your own Health and Wellbeing and that of your colleagues and peers?
  2. Would you like to be the first to know about all things Staff Health and Wellbeing within the EA?
  3. Do you feel you can provide valuable feedback and provide ideas on how the EA can support staff Health and Wellbeing?

If you’ve answered yes to the above questions then please get in touch and join over 100 of your EA colleagues as part of the Health and Wellbeing Champion Network and become part of how we encourage staff to look after their own Health and Wellbeing and that of others around them.

The role of a Health & Wellbeing Champion is to act as ambassadors, drive and promote health initiatives and to support our EA Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Reach out to The Health and Wellbeing Team today by emailing to hear more about this role.

This can be very rewarding work and can contribute towards your own personal development. As well as a way of connecting with others and a place to share ideas and give feedback.

To see some of our current Health and Wellbeing Champions visit their profiles

Workplace Health Useful Resources

Guided meditations
First aid advice
Handle stress and anxiety on the go
Guided meditations