How to Reduce Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes UK

You've just found out that you're at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But you don't have it yet. That's the really good news. It means that you now have the chance to make changes that can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. On this page you will learn how to reduce your risk.

More than half of all cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented or delayed. Take action now and it will make all the difference to your health in the years ahead.

Where to start?

You can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by:

  • eating well
  • moving more
  • getting support to lose weight if you need to.

Simple, right? We know it's not that simple and we're here to help you get started. Most people know they need to make changes, but what can be difficult is knowing how to do it – especially long-lasting changes. Remember, if you enjoy something, you're more likely to stick to it.

Here are some tips to get you inspired:

  • Don't forget, you're not alone in this - there's lots of support out there to help you.
  • Set goals which are realistic and work for you.
  • Change one thing at a time and make the changes part of your everyday.
  • Get support

Make the most of all the support and services available in your area. Ask your GP about:

  • a weight-loss programme or group - use our Know Your Risk tool to find out if you're eligible for a place on the Diabetes Prevention Programme, Healthier You.
  • a registered dietitian or exercise specialist
  • a type 2 diabetes prevention programme
  • other local services to help you move more and eat better.

It can also help to talk to family and friends – ask them to get involved too. It will help if they understand what you're doing and why it's so important. Plus, eating better and moving more is good for everyone, so you can do this together.

We're here to help too, with lots of tools and stories to keep you motivated. Think about sharing your story – it could really help motivate others. And remember, the trained counsellors on our helpline are ready to support you if you have questions or just need a chat.

Set realistic goals

Like everything in life, you'll have good days and bad days, but don't let a bad day put you off. Set yourself realistic goals that fit in with how you live your life. Choose the healthy food and activities that you like best. This will really help you stay on track.

And think ahead about anything that could stop you from achieving your goal, and plan how you could overcome this.

Make changes part of your everyday

Changing too many things at the same time can make them difficult to stick to in the long run. Start with small things you can change about your everyday routine and build up to more.

We know it can be hard to stay motivated, but remember you're in this for the long run. Your risk of developing diabetes is serious and you can't reduce your risk by eating better or moving more for just a couple of weeks.

By building healthy meals into family life and moving more to help you get from A to B, you can maintain these changes and look forward to a healthy future.

Useful resources

Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes,...
Cancer Focus NI, Keeping Well vans are mobile drop-in units which bring health checks,...
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Help make a difference to the lives of the estimated 100,000 people living with diabetes...
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