Diagnosing Endocarditis


To diagnose endocarditis, your GP will look closely at your medical history, paying particular attention to any problems you may have had with your heart.

Taking a medical history also allows your GP to identify whether you have undergone any recent medical procedures that may have put you at risk of developing endocarditis, such as surgery to the heart valves.

Physical examination

Your GP will check for the symptoms of endocarditis, such as fever or nodules (small lumps) on your fingers and toes. They'll also listen to your heart using a stethoscope to see if you have developed a heart murmur.

A heart murmur is where your heartbeat has an extra or unusual sound caused by a disturbed blood flow through the heart. The symptoms of endocarditis are similar to those of some other health conditions, so it's important that other possible causes are ruled out.

Blood tests

Blood tests may be used to help diagnose endocarditis or identify the most effective treatment. Blood tests may include:

  • a blood culture test to check for a specific bacteria or fungi
  • an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test
  • a C-reactive protein (CRP) test


An echocardiogram uses sound waves to scan your heart. The waves can produce accurate images of the heart muscle, chambers and valves. This allows your doctor to examine the structure and function of your heart more closely.

An echocardiogram is often used to check for any clumps of bacteria that may have formed and can help detect infected or damaged heart tissue.

CT scan

A CT scan uses X-rays to take pictures of the inside of your body. A computer is then used to piece the images together. It can be useful for identifying any collections of pus (abscesses) that may have developed in your body.

Useful resources

Support to drink responsibly
Nutrition scanner
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