Managing Heart Failure

Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke

Managing heart failure may involve lifestyle changes, medication or medical procedures. It is important that you monitor your symptoms and learn to recognise changes in their pattern. Changes in symptoms may be a sign that your heart failure is worsening, so you should see your GP.

For example, fluid retention leads to weight gain and can be an indication of accelerating heart failure or that your medications need to be adjusted. You can monitor this by weighing yourself at the same time each morning.

When lifestyle changes and medicines don’t control your heart failure, you may need a medical procedure. There are some forms of surgery and some devices which can be implanted in the body that can help some people with heart failure. However, medical interventions are not suitable for everyone and will be recommended only after tests.

Useful resources

The Heart Age Test tells you your heart age compared to your real age.
Use this tool to enter your blood pressure reading and find out what it means, along with information on how to reduce a high reading.