'Buy Now Pay Later' Help

Managing Your Money / Money Troubles

If your income has dropped and you’re worried it won’t go back to normal, find out what you can do to reduce the risk of falling behind on your buy now pay later payments.

Men's Health Week: Checking Your Testicles

Cancer / Men's Health

Regularly checking your testicles from puberty onwards can help find a testicular cancer earlier, when it is easier to treat.

How do I check for testicular cancer?

What Is Travel Insurance?

Managing Your Money

Travel insurance provides financial protection if you face certain problems when you’re travelling or on holiday.

Healthy Eating Week: Eating Healthily & Sustainably

Healthy Diet

We aim to give people access to reliable science-based information to support anyone on their journey towards a healthy, sustainable diet.

Sleep & Arthritis: Tips For Dealing With Pain At Night

Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint Pain

It’s hard to overstate the importance of a good night’s sleep, especially if you have arthritis. But we know that when you're dealing with pain, it isn't always easy.  

Term Time staff - Cycle 2 Work Scheme opens 1 June

Workplace Health

Calling all Term Time staff.

You can make an application to join the EA Cycle 2 Work scheme from the 01 June.

Men's Health Week: Men & Mental Health

Mental Health / Men's Health

Society's expectations and traditional gender roles play a role in why men are less likely to discuss or seek help for their mental health problems.

Diet & Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Diabetes / Healthy Diet

This article is aimed at people who do not have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes but would like to learn more about how they can reduce their risk of developing this condition.

Key messages

DWP Cost of Living Payments Guide

Cost of Living Help

The government is making payments to some households to help with the high energy prices and essential living costs.

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