DWP Cost of Living Payments Guide

Cost of Living Help

The government is making payments to some households to help with the high energy prices and essential living costs. It’s worth finding out if you qualify for these Cost of Living Payments and what you could get.

What are cost of living payments

To help you afford food bills and keep the lights on as prices continue to rise, the government is making direct payments into millions of people's accounts.

If you’re on a low-income and on means-tested benefits, the money is automatically put in your bank, building society or credit union account.

Some people on means-tested benefits will receive payments up to £900, paid in three instalments in spring, autumn and spring 2024.

You might also qualify for:

  • £300 if you’re getting state pension on top of your usual Winter Fuel Payment.
  • £150 to people on certain disability benefits, paid in the summer.

Who is eligible for cost of living payment 2023

You may be entitled to up to three Cost of Living Payments if you get any of the following benefits or tax credits:

  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit.

Key dates for first cost of living payment in 2023

Most people entitled to the payment will get:

  • £301 paid between 25 April 2023 and 17 May 2023 if you’re on DWP benefits
  • £301 paid between 2 and 9 May 2023 if you get tax credits only
  • £300 paid during autumn 2023
  • £299 paid during spring 2024.

Other things to look out for

If you’re getting both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit, you will receive a Cost of Living Payment for Child Tax Credit only, which will be paid by HMRC. 

If you’re getting tax credits from HMRC and a low income benefit from DWP, you can’t get a Cost of Living Payment from both HMRC and DWP. You will usually be paid by DWP only. 

Check your entitlements

If you’re struggling with cost of living and are on a low income, it’s worth checking you’re not missing out on any benefits that qualify for Cost of Living Payments as they can be backdated.

For example, if you’re not already getting Pension Credit, check your eligibility, as you can still qualify for the £301 Cost of Living Payment if you make a successful backdated Pension Credit application by 19 May. Use our Benefits Calculator to quickly work out what you could claim.

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