Tips for Travelling with Children

Family Health

Summertime is here and today we are starting our ‘Summertime Parenting’ series, exploring a range of topics to support parents over the summer period. This week’s theme is travelling; whether you’re staying local or going further afield this summer, travelling with children, no matter the length of the journey, can be challenging and keeping them entertained can be difficult. Here are six tips for travelling with children.

Pack Smart

Bring all essential items such as snacks, toys, and extra clothes in an easily accessible carry-on bag. Include favourite comform items like a blanket or stuffed animal to help your child feel secure.

Plan Breaks

Schedule regular breaks during car journeys or stop overs during flights to allow your child to stretch, play and burn off some energy. This helps prevent restlessness and keeps them happy.

Prepare Entertainment

Pack a variety of activities to keep your child entertained, such as colouring books, small toys, and electronic devices with headphones. Try downloading their favourite shows or games for long trips.

Maintain Routines 

Try to stick to your child's regular schedule as much as possible, This consistency helps them feel more comfortable and reduces the chances of your child becoming tired and overwhelmed with travelling.

Stay Organised

Keep travel documents, tickets and important items in a dedicated travel wallet or organiser. This ensures you can easily access what you need and reduces stress during check-ins or boarding.

Be Flexible

Travel plans can change unexpectedly, so stay adaptable and patient. Allow extra time for everything from getting through security to reaching your destination, to accomodate any delays or challenges.



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