Thinking About Changing How You Pay For Your Energy?

Money Troubles

There’s a lot of panic about rising energy bill prices, and with winter coming, it’s a very worrying time for many people. 

Things To Do in NI – August Bank Holiday

Family Health

We hope you have a great time over the bank holiday weekend. Let’s hope the weather is good too! Check out some of the events happening in Northern Ireland.

What Happens At A Breast Screening Appointment?

Cancer / Women's Health

During breast screening you'll have 4 breast X-rays (mammograms), 2 for each breast. The mammograms are done by a specialist called a mammographer. The mammographer will be female.

Safe Cycling With Children

Get Fit / Family Health

Whether you're going to the local park or library, or planning a family outing, there are very few places you can’t go by bike.

20 Healthy Ways To Eat Well On A Budget

Healthy Diet / Cost of Living Help

With fuel hikes and mounting food bills we are all having to tighten our budgets a bit more than usual at the minute, but this does not have to compromise your nutrition.

What To Do If You're Struggling To Afford Food

Cost of Living Help

Living costs are rising, and food is one of our most essential expenses. If you can’t afford groceries here are some ways to get free ingredients and even free meals. 

AWARE - Mental Health & Wellbeing Support Group for 18-30 Year Olds

AWARE is launching its young person’s support group in Omagh on Thursday 1st of September.

Christians against Poverty Northern Ireland (CAPNI)

Money Troubles

CAPNI are lifting the weight of debt in Northern Ireland. If you’re looking for free debt help from a friendly supportive team, then CAPNI can help you.

Sleep & The Menopause

Women's Health / Sleeping Better

Sleep disturbance is a very common symptom of the perimenopause and menopause.

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