Men's Health / Women's Health / Sleeping Better / Family Health

In recognition of World Sleep Day the EA Health & Wellbeing Team arranged for Cheryl Lithgow, Benenden Health’s Society Matron to deliver an interactive session to discuss the facts behind why we need a healthy sleep pattern and how to support it.

The session covers-

  • Understanding the physiology around sleep
  • Identifying common sleep issues
  • Managing common sleep issues

To view Cheryl’s recorded session Click here- World Sleep Day

The slides pertaining to this session can also be viewed by clicking on the attached file below.

File 30 minute sleep presentation_ (003).pptx

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Your Mind Plan offers practical ideas and advice to help you boost and maintain your mental wellbeing. Answer the quick 5-question quiz and the Every Mind Matters widget will give you 5 tailored actions to help you feel more in control, improve your sleep, deal with stress and anxiety, and boost your mood – as well as the option to easily swap any actions and to save the whole plan via email.