Car Tax Bands Explained

Managing Your Money / Cost of Living Help

The amount of car tax charged isn’t the same for each car.

How To Maintain Movement During An Arthritis Flare Up

Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint Pain

Exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you’re in the middle of a flare up, but gentle, slow movement can help.

New Year, New Sleep Routines

Sleeping Better

As we usher in 2025, many of us set resolutions to improve our lives.

Avoiding Online Dating Scams

Cyber Security

A failed relationship could give you a broken heart, but it shouldn't leave you out of pocket.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week: Screening Stories

Cancer / Women's Health

This Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (21–28 January), the Public Health Agency (PHA) is reminding women of the importance of attending for cervical screening when invited.

How To Stay Alcohol-Free At Social Events

Alcohol Guidance

In this blog, Emily from Sober and Social discusses her top tips for attending an event when you've decided not to drink.

Teachers' Credit Union - Information Webinar - Recording

Webinar session recordings / Managing Your Money / Savings

Did you know that all EA staff Teaching and Non-Teaching can join the Teachers’ Credit Union?

Mental Health-Focused Goals For Your Dry January

Mental Health / Alcohol Guidance

Starting off a new year with the intention of changing your relationship with alcohol can feel overwhelming.

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