The Rainbow Project

The Rainbow Project is a health organisation that works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people in Northern Ireland.

We are the foremost LGB&T organisation in Northern Ireland and have two centres: one in Belfast city centre and the other in Foyle, L’Derry.

The Rainbow Project is devoted to promoting the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people and their families in Northern Ireland, as well as those questioning their orientation or gender, through partnership, advocacy and the development and delivery of appropriate support services.

Wellbeing activity ideas and services

Sadly the funding for the project has ended, however some services remain in place such...
The Family Ties Project is a support service for the families of LGBT people. We provide...
The Gay Bi Dads group aims to provide gay and bisexual men, who may be married, or who...
Our Advocacy Service is here to provide support and information if: You have been or are...
The Rainbow Project has peer and social support LGBT groups throughout regional areas of...
The Rainbow Project offers free Personal Development Programmes that supports LGBT people...
The aim of the Befriending service is a volunteer-led service and the aim of the service...
Let's Talk Gender Identity is an exciting training programme which uses creativity and...
The Rainbow Project provides the only co-cultural LGB&/T specific counselling service...
For this training we can visit you at your place of work or you can potentially use our...
This training is available for free for groups of over ten individuals and for a small...
The Rainbow Project couldn’t carry out its work without the help of our amazing team of...

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The Rainbow Project