Autism and Children

Autism NI

There are many routes to an Autism diagnosis for children. This may include Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Health Visitors, Education Authority and GP or Paediatrician. Waiting lists for assessments vary across Trust areas.

There are also a number of private providers of assessment, diagnosis and services in Northern Ireland. Please consult our statutory services (Health and Social Care Trust) before engaging with any private practitioner or provider as resulting reports and recommendations may be considered invalid unless commissioned by the Statutory Sector directly. The private route may appear an attractive way to overcome lengthy waiting lists but unless the work is approved by your local Health Trust the result could be costly and frustrating for families.

After a Diagnosis

Directly after a diagnosis, many parents can feel insecure and uncertain about the needs of their child. It is important to recognise that the period immediately following diagnosis is one of huge adjustments. As you gather more knowledge and understanding about Autism (and how it affects your child), your confidence will grow and with it the recognition that YOU are the greatest, all-round expert on your child.

Actively seek out people who are knowledgeable and consider what they have to say. Take time to look up suggested therapies and interventions and decide what is best for your family. Above all never lose sight of the individual child at the centre of any proposed therapy, strategy or intervention.

Autism NI have created a range of downloadable booklets to support parents on a number of topics:

  • Autism (includes information on the characteristics of Autism and a range of developmental checklists for you to support your child).
  • Play (includes types of play, structured play, building attention, teaching pretend play).
  • Communication (includes Visual communication, positive routines, building two way communication, using motivators).
  • Interaction (includes Rules for easy interaction, eye contact, taking turns, encouraging interaction).
  • Daily Living Skills (includes dressing, mealtimes and toileting).
  • Behaviour (includes behaviour strategies, sleeping, obsessions, waiting and outings).

To access these booklets, click here. Further information is also available through Family Support.

Useful resources

Does your child or an individual you work with struggle with verbal communication? Would...
In Autism NI, the Family Support team co-ordinate Autistic Peer Networks for different...
Do you want to know more about what autism is? What does the diagnosis mean? How can I...
Whatever your background, interests or time you have available, you'll find that...
Do you want to understand more about play for your child with autism and be able to...
Autism NI are the only autism specific training agency in NI to offer the AQA unit award...
Our Early Intervention Service is a partnership service, led by Autism NI, which aims to...
Autism NI offer a range of online and in person support courses for parents and carers...
One of our longest established services is our Family Support provision which is based in...
Autism NI offer a range of online and in person support courses for parents and carers...
Do you want to find out more about the simple adaptations for the workplace that can...
Autism NI provide a unique autistic adult support service which provides critical,...
Do you want to explore a range of strategies to help your child with emotions, stress and...
The course will explore the key characteristics of autism and how they may impact an...
Autism NI is Northern Ireland’s longest serving autism charity and autism training...
The Mental Health and Autism Project provides one to one support to autistic young people...
At Autism NI, the Family Support team co-ordinate a number of different types of support...
Autism NI offer a range of online and in person support courses for parents and carers...