Getting A Vaccine


COVID-19 vaccination is an important part of protecting yourself if you're at increased risk from severe COVID-19.

Who is eligible for a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine

You or your child may be offered a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine if you are:

  • aged 65 years old or over (you need to be 65 years old by 31 March 2024)
  • aged 6 months to 64 years old and are at increased risk
  • living in a care home for older adults
  • a frontline health or social care worker
  • aged 16 to 64 years old and are a carer
  • aged 12 to 64 years old and live with someone with a weakened immune system

You may be at increased risk from COVID-19 if you have a health condition, such as:

  • a long-term lung condition, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma (if you need steroid tablets) or cystic fibrosis
  • a long-term heart condition, such as congenital heart disease, chronic heart failure or atrial fibrillation
  • long term kidney disease (CKD) stage 3, 4 or 5
  • a severe liver disease, such as cirrhosis
  • a long-term problem with the brain or nerves, such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Huntington's disease, myasthenia gravis, or a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
  • severe or multiple learning disabilities (or being on the learning disability register), such as Down's syndrome
  • diabetes or another hormone disorder, such as Addison's disease
  • a weakened immune system, due to a medical treatment (such as steroid medicine, biological therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy), a condition (such as leukaemia), or from having an organ or bone marrow transplant

This list is a summary and does not cover everything. There are other health conditions and treatments that may mean you're at increased risk from COVID-19. You should be told if you have an increased risk from COVID-19. If you're unsure, speak to a pharmacist, GP or your specialist for advice.

How to get a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine

If you're eligible, you can get a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine by:

You may also be contacted by a local NHS service, such as your GP surgery, to get a vaccine for you or your child. This is usually done by text or a phone call, but you may sometimes get a letter or a notification in the NHS App. If you live in a care home and you are eligible, staff at your care home will arrange your vaccination for you.

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