Uterine Cancer

Macmillan Cancer Support

The womb (uterus) is a pear-shaped organ where a baby is carried during pregnancy. It is low in the pelvis (the area between the hips) and is supported by the pelvic floor muscles.

Most womb cancers start in glandular cells found in the lining of the womb (the endometrium). They are called endometrial cancers. There are different types of endometrial cancers. Endometrial cancer is usually diagnosed early and treated successfully. 

Endometrial womb cancer

Most womb cancers start in glandular cells found in the lining of the womb (the endometrium). These are called endometrial cancers. These are the most common type of womb cancer. They are usually diagnosed early and treated successfully. This information is about endometrial cancers.

There are different types of endometrial cancer:

  • endometrioid cancer
  • serous endometrial carcinoma (also called uterine serous carcinoma)
  • carcinosarcoma (these cancers are not sarcomas, despite their name)
  • clear cell carcinoma
  • mucinous carcinoma
  • mixed cell endometrial cancer.

About 3 out of 4 womb cancers (75%) are endometrioid cancers. They are usually grade 1 or grade 2 and are diagnosed at an early stage. The womb is sometimes also called the uterus.

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