How To Spot Fraud

Cyber Security

Would you know if someone was trying to defraud you? We might like to think we could spot a scam a mile off – but fraudsters are ruthless, and their methods are getting more sophisticated.

Dairy & Alternatives In Your Diet

Healthy Diet

Milk and dairy products, such as cheese and yoghurt, are great sources of protein and calcium. They can form part of a healthy, balanced diet.

What Is Diabetes Distress & Burnout?


Diabetes distress is what some people feel when they’re overwhelmed by the relentlessness of diabetes. This can lead to diabetes burnout.

Running With Arthritis: Physiotherapists' Tips

Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint Pain / Get Fit

Every year, hundreds of people lace up their trainers and take on running events for Versus Arthritis.

ACUK's Top Five Tips For Maintaining Your Dry January Gains

Alcohol Guidance

Softer skin, feeling fresher, clearer head, looking trim - the list of Dry January benefits goes on.

6 Essential Tips To Reduce Your Blood Pressure

Heart Health

Following these tips can help to reduce high blood pressure, or help to control it if you’ve already been diagnosed with the condition.

Measles: MMR Vaccine Catch-Up

A vaccination campaign aimed at curbing the growing threat of measles has been announced by the Public Health Agency (PHA).

Is It Okay To Lie To Someone With Dementia?


A person with dementia might ask questions that are difficult to answer truthfully without causing distress.

Which Goal Is Right For My Drinking Type?

Alcohol Guidance

Following on from Dry January, Alcohol Change UK want to say a huge well done for getting to this point.

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