5 Ways To Save Money On Cooking Costs

Managing Your Money / Cost of Living Help

With electricity and gas costs still very high, there are things you can do to save money on your bills while cooking.

The cost of electricity per unit in Northern Ireland is 30.18p (Power NI regulated standard tariff as of 01 April 2023). To put that into context, this means that a family of four having baked potatoes once a week would cost roughly 60p in an oven, compared to 30p in an air fryer, and 8p in a microwave.

That’s a price difference of 53p depending on how you cook it. So, if a family of four had baked potatoes once a week and cooked them in the microwave instead of an oven you could have a monthly saving of approximately £2.11 or £27.46 a year.

While savings can be small, watch this short video on 5 ways to reduce your cooking costs in the kitchen.

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