Helplines NI

Autism / Mental Health / Men's Health / Women's Health / Sexual Health / Ageing Well / Managing Your Money / Consumer Rights & Advice / Family Health

Helplines NI is a signposting service to organisations that provide support services for a wide-range of health and wellbeing needs.

Why You Should Add Sleep To Your Back-to-School List

Sleeping Better / Family Health

As the summer holidays wind down and September (aka “Sleeptember”) begins, parents everywhere are preparing for the back-to-school rush.

Living With Arthritis: Top Tips For Talking About Your Condition

Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint Pain

Opening up about your health isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can be hard to put pain into words and admit when we’re struggling.


Cyber Security / Consumer Rights & Advice

During the period between December 2022 and January 2024, 5,412 reports of fraud were made to the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

E-Safety - Top Tips For Parents

Cyber Security / Family Health

It's OK not to be an expert when it comes to the internet. Being informed will help your child use the internet in a safe and enjoyable way. 

Have A Chat

Student & Graduate Bank Accounts

Managing Your Money / Family Health

A student bank account helps you manage your money while you study. Here’s all you need to know.

What is a student bank account?

Sleeptember: Sleep Quality

Sleeping Better

When it comes to sleep, there’s lots of noise around the subject of ‘sleep quantity’ – the amount of hours we should get a night.

15 Thrifty Ways To Use Your Leftovers

Heart Health / Recipes

Let leftovers be a thing of the past, and save money at the same time, with our suggestions for all kinds of ways to use up leftover food.

Leftover bread, potatoes, pasta or rice

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