E-Safety - Top Tips For Parents

Cyber Security / Family Health

It's OK not to be an expert when it comes to the internet. Being informed will help your child use the internet in a safe and enjoyable way. 

Have A Chat

Talking about internet safety from an early age and often, is easier than trying to cover everything at once.

Explore Together

Ask your child about what they like to do online and encourage them to show you how it works. This will give you a better understanding of how they use it and how you can support them.

Agree Boundaries

Have a discussion with your child about how long they can spend online, what sites they can visit, what information is appropriate to share, and to treat people with respect online as they would offline. 

Privacy And Reporting

Talk to your child about what they should do if they see something online that upsets them. Explore privacy settings and reporting tools on the sites and apps they use together.

Age Appropriate Content

Check age ratings that come with games, apps, films and social networks to ensure they’re suitable for your child.

Put Yourself In Control

Use parental controls to filter and restrict content. These can be set up through your home broadband or any internet enabled device, contact your internet providers for details.

Cyber Security Useful Resources

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