Health Benefits Of Conservation

The Conservation Volunteers

Green Gym supports the 5 ways to wellbeing, connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give.

Research shows that:

  • Anxiety drops by 26% - Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS)
  • Wellbeing scores improve by a fifth - Office for National Statistics (ONS)
  • All participants (n=91) surveyed during the current National Evaluation agreed that taking part in Green Gym has benefited their mental health, boosting self-esteem and confidence through learning new skills and completing new tasks
  • Green Gym provides moderate physical activity: People who are regularly active at this level are 50% less likely to suffer from a heart attack or stroke than inactive people
  • Green Gym reduces social isolation
  • Being physically active in green spaces can relieve stress and can help to combat depression
  • Taking part in the Green Gym improves muscle strength, which is particularly important for older people, helping to maintain independence in later life
  • Participants in Green Gym report feeling fitter and having more energy than before
  • Almost a third more calories can be burnt in an hour of some Green Gym activities than in doing a step aerobics class

The value of Green Gym to society has been demonstrated through accreditations, independent research by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) and independent reports:

  • Green Gym has a Social Return on Investment (SROI) measure of £4.02 of social value per £1 invested
  • Over 80% of volunteers feel closer to people in their local area.
  • The personal benefit for individual, regular volunteers is worth over £4,600 in social value.

To search for a Green Gym near you, click here. To search for your nearest volunteering opportunity, follow the link -

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