Allergies VS Coronavirus Symptoms
Allergies and AsthmaAt this time of COVID 19 Allergy UK have put together the following three tips which will help to provide a little comfort and reassurance around the differences between the symptoms of the virus and the symptoms of Hay fever.
COVID 19 symptoms that are not usually associated with Hay fever:
- Fever with a body temperature, anything above 37.8 degrees centigrade (despite the name, Hay fever does not create a rise on body temperature)
- Highly contagious
Common Hay fever symptoms that are not usually associated with COVID 19:
- Runny, itchy nose
- Sneezing
- Itchy, watery eyes
A common symptom shared by both
- Coughing – the irritation to the back of the throat caused by Hay fever can cause you to develop a cough or feel tight-chested. This is particularly difficult for people who get pollen-induced asthma. If you experience difficulty in breathing, you must seek urgent medical advice
- In COVID 19 a common symptom is a new cough which is prolonged and does not go away. It can cause shortness of breath and breathing difficulties which can be a medical emergency
- If in doubt about any of the above, or any other symptoms, always take recommended COVID 19 precautions and seek medical advice