Hearing Therapy

The Royal National Institute for the Deaf

Do you need some extra support because of your hearing loss? Hearing therapy can help you to manage the psychological effects of hearing loss as well as on a practical level by signposting you to support services and products that can help.

If you’re struggling because of your hearing loss, hearing aids, tinnitus, hyperacusis or balance problems, your audiologist may discuss referring you to a hearing therapist. Hearing therapists can support you with:

  • counselling to help with the psychological and emotional effects of hearing loss
  • advising on practical solutions to help you in your work and social life, including any products that can help
  • referring you to other support services, such as social services
  • providing details of local support groups and lipreading classes that may be beneficial.

Some hearing therapists can also offer support with balance rehabilitation and exercises to help. Others can help you with tinnitus, including providing advice on therapies, useful products and counselling.

How to see a hearing therapist

Your GP, audiologist or ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor will usually refer you to hearing therapy if they feel it would be beneficial for you, or if you’d like to be referred for additional support with your hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems.

Hearing therapy in audiology services

Not every audiology service has a hearing therapist, so you may have to travel. In some areas, hearing therapy is offered by an audiologist.Tinnitus and balance rehabilitation can also be provided by audiologists who have a special interest and training in these areas.

Useful resources

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