Advice For Families Of Those Who Use Drugs


Lots of families in the UK have a loved one who is using or trying to come off drugs. If you're the parent, partner, child or carer of someone who uses drugs, you may feel worried, frustrated and alone.

It's important to recognise this and get the help and support you need. Families often play an important role in helping someone come off drugs. Getting help for yourself will put you in a better position for supporting your loved one.

Support for the family and friends of people who use drugs

It can be helpful to talk to other people who know what you're going through. Your GP can give you details of local support groups for people affected by someone else's drug use.

There are also organisations that run helplines and local support groups for people living with a person who uses drugs.


FRANK is a support service that provides information about drugs, plus advice for people who use drugs, and their parents or carers.


Adfam has local support groups and helpful information online for families affected by drugs and alcohol.


DrugFAM offers phone and email support to people affected by other people's drug or alcohol misuse.

Families Anonymous

Families Anonymous is based on the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous. It runs local support groups for the family and friends of people with a drug problem.


Release offers free, confidential advice on drugs law for people who use drugs, and their families.

Useful resources

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