Changing Your Behaviour


Changing your gambling behaviour can be difficult if gambling has become a key part of your life, however you a mix of practical activities or hobbies to occupy your time along with positive motivators can help.

Practical activities

If you want to stop gambling, you may find it useful to replace gambling with other types of activities, which will occupy your time and keep you focused on something else. Practical activities might include:

  • Playing sport – team sports are a good choice because not letting the team down by turning up to the game or practice session is also a psychological motivator
  • Going to the gym
  • DIY around the house, or for people who have supported you
  • Gardening
  • Walking/running/hiking
  • Adult education classes
  • Spending time on planned activities with friends or family
  • Joining social groups
  • Volunteering

Positive motivators

Positive motivators are things that are looking to the future, perhaps targets to aim at and then rewarding yourself when you have achieved the targets. For example setting a target of not gambling for a month or saving a certain amount of money each month. Rewards for achieving such a target might include:

  • going for a meal with your partner
  • going to the cinema with friends
  • taking the family for a day out

It can be helpful to plan an activity for the next day and then the following day, something for the day after. This way you always have something to focus on.

A plan might look like:

  • Monday – go to CAB to get help to set up a debt repayment plan
  • Tuesday – open a savings account
  • Wednesday – go to GA meeting
  • Thursday – find out about adult education classes and sign up for something
  • Friday – go to the gym
  • Saturday – day out with partner or family
  • Sunday – check out the GamCare Forum

Everybody’s plan will be different; the important thing is that you find what works for you. Don’t overload yourself or try planning too far ahead – one day at a time is fine. The next week you can repeat your plan or add things to it or think of better strategies to support yourself.

Check out all the support available – some things will work for some people and not for others, sometimes only bits of something will work for you. It’s all very individual but do give things long enough to work even if you are not convinced at the beginning that they will be useful.

Talk to our Advisers if you would like more information, advice and support. You can also have a look at our self-help workbook, which you can work through at your own pace to change your relationship with gambling.

You may also want to have a look at GameChange. This is an online course designed for you to work through at your own pace over the course of eight weeks, with support from our practitioners over the phone at the end of each module. Find out more.

Useful resources

There are lots of ways to get involved with volunteering at ASCERT. You can: You can...
The majority of adults in Northern Ireland drink and some use drugs, and there is always...
We run regular sessions in the GamCare online chatroom, where users can use live text...
Steps to Change is a community based early intervention service for adults and adult...
We provide a range of different services to support young people ranging from in person...
GamCare recognises that gambling can be harmful to both physical and mental health, and...
The Drug and Alcohol Intervention Service for Youth (DAISY) provides support for young...
TalkBanStop is a partnership that combines practical tools and support to help you to...
Our resource hub is packed with useful information and tools that will be useful to you...
Gambling problems and dependency can create challenging and complex issues in someone’s...
ASCERT provides a dedicated service to clients of the Probation Board for Northern...
Connections is the public face of the Drug and Alcohol Coordination Teams (DACTs). The...
MyGamCare is GamCare’s new online portal, creating a personalised space for you to manage...
This could be done as an individual or as a team (according to research, people who stop...
The GamCare Forum is an online message board, providing a safe and secure space for users...
Self help materials are resources you can work through yourself to help you make changes...
We provide a range of different services to support young people ranging from in person...
We provide a range of support for people struggling with the impact of gambling on their...
Just telling teenagers about the dangers of drugs doesn’t work, nor does trying to scare...
Gambling problems and dependency can create challenging and complex issues in someone’s...
We provide a range of training and development opportunities for professionals in...
Support to drink responsibly
Stop smoking for good
Change your relationship with alcohol through Daybreak, a personalised mobile app that...
I am Sober is an addiction buddy useful for quitting any activity or substance. With...
Here2Help has been developed by a local initiative from people who want to make the range...