Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint Pain

This section contains all things related to back health. Poor back health can not only get in the way of your work, it can get in the way of your life and make straight-forward tasks feel laborious and painful. Explore Musculoskeletal Disorder, correct common posture mistakes and watch helpful videos on the best back stretches and how to look after your back at work. 

Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint Pain Useful Resources

Versus Arthritis is here to make sure that people with arthritis have all the support and...
Do you need to know how you can manage the painful symptoms of arthritis? Do you have...
As an Arthritis Action Member, you will enjoy the benefits of our self-management...
Arthritis Action Groups give people living with arthritis the opportunity to share hints...
Whether you want to share your own experiences of managing arthritis, or learn more about...
Arthritis Action’s Self-Management Events are two-day events that introduce our self-...