Healthy Diet

Eating Well For Shift Work

Public Health Agency

This webinar will help you to think about what might be stopping you from eating well during shift work and help you to achieve a healthy balanced diet.

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1. Is it a good idea to drink energy drinks to get me through a busy shift? 

Energy drinks are marketed to improve concentration and to reduce tiredness. They may give you a boost, but this soon wears off!  Find out about the caffeine and sugar content of energy drinks at 

2. When I am unprepared I make unhealthy choices in the staff canteen or from shops or vending machines. Have you got any tips to help? 

It may be hard to stop this completely but you could set goals to reduce this and save money in the process. Try to plan ahead and prepare your lunch the night before. 

Buy suitable containers to store leftovers to take into work for an easy lunch. Be mindful of days you may be busier and think of healthier choices and simple swaps, you can make in the canteen or local shops/garages.