Healthy Diet

Gut Health

Public Health Agency

This webinar is perfect for anyone wanting to find out nutrition and lifestyle tips for a healthy happy gut. Delivered by Registered Dietitian Rachel McGee.


Do I need to take probiotics and prebiotics at the same time?

Probiotics are good bacteria which can help us have a healthy gut. They are found in food products such as some yoghurts, fermented milk drinks, and also in supplements in tablet and capsule form. 

Prebiotics act like a fertiliser to feed our gut bacteria. Eating prebiotic foods causes more good gut bacteria to grow. Examples of prebiotic foods include many types of fruit and vegetables like onions, garlic, apples and asparagus. 

Some products contain both probiotics and prebiotics like certain types of yoghurts and kefir. Probiotics and prebiotics do not need to be eaten at the same exact time, but they both need to be a regular part of your diet to provide health benefits. 

What’s the link between gut health and menopause?

Recent research suggests that menopause can reduce the variety in different types of gut bacteria females have, however, more research is needed to examine this in larger studies.

What happens to your gut after taking antibiotics?

Antibiotics can destroy both the good and bad bacteria in your gut. For some, this can lead to side effects like diarrhoea. These are usually mild and should pass once you finish a treatment course. You may wish to take some probiotics and prebiotics after finishing your course to restore a healthy balance of gut bacteria. 

I’ve heard Kombucha is good for my gut. Is this true?

Kombucha is a fermented drink made using tea (green and black usually), bacteria, yeast and sugar. It contains some antioxidants (protective properties) in the tea. The bacteria and yeast amounts may change between manufacturers so we can’t know how beneficial it might be unless examining each batch individually. It is important to note that direct evidence supporting kombucha's benefits for human health is lacking, however, you may wish to continue drinking if you enjoy the taste. 

I’m concerned about my gut health. How do I get referred to a Dietitian?

If you wish to be referred to a Dietitian, we would recommend first making contact with your GP to discuss your symptoms. Your Doctor may wish to carry out some tests, and if appropriate, they can refer you to be assessed by a Dietitian.