World Diabetes Day 2024


14 November is World Diabetes Day. World Diabetes Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about diabetes as a critical global public health issue and emphasise the collective and individual actions needed to improve the prevention, diagnosis and management of the condition.

This year’s theme, “Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps,” underpins our commitment to reducing the risk of diabetes, and ensuring that all people who are diagnosed with diabetes have access to equitable, comprehensive, affordable and quality treatment and care. Join us in raising awareness, spreading knowledge and creating lasting change for all affected by diabetes.

How to Participate in World Diabetes Day 2024?

Participating in World Diabetes Day allows individuals to contribute to diabetes awareness and support those affected by the condition. Here are ways to get involved:

  • Wear Blue: The official colour of diabetes awareness is blue. Wear blue clothing or accessories to show your support.
  • Share Information: Educate others about diabetes, its risk factors, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Get Tested: If you are at risk for diabetes, consider getting tested for early detection and intervention.
  • Support Diabetes Charities: Contribute to organisations that fund diabetes research, education, and patient support programs.
  • Advocate for Diabetes Care: Advocate for policies and healthcare improvements that enhance diabetes care and accessibility.
  • Organise Awareness Events: Host or participate in events, workshops, or seminars that raise awareness about diabetes in your community.

For more information on Diabetes, click here.

Diabetes Useful Resources

Cancer Focus NI, Keeping Well vans are mobile drop-in units which bring health checks,...
Our Type 1 Events can be life-changing for children and young people living with type 1...
Help make a difference to the lives of the estimated 100,000 people living with diabetes...
Adjusting to the knowledge that you or a member of your family has diabetes takes time...
Join over 75,000 people on Learning Zone for advice on what to eat and tips for managing...
Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes,...