Shared Cost AVC - Information Webinar - Recording

Managing Your Money / Pensions and Retirement / Savings

EA in partnership with My Money Matters recently launched a Shared Cost Additional Voluntary Contribution (SC AVC) employee benefit scheme to all EA NILGOSC pension scheme members. 

TIm McEwan and Andrew Holland from My Money Matters delivered an information webinar to EA NILGOSC members outlining the benefits of investing in a SC AVC.

To access a recording of the webinar please click here - Shared Cost AVC - Information Webinar

The information webinar covered :

  • Understanding the Nilgosc pension Scheme and how to make the most of your NILGOSC pension.
  • How you might retire early and with more money – Learn everything you need to know about the Shared Cost AVC scheme
  • The benefits of switching to a Shared Cost AVC from a Standard AVC
  • How to register on the My Money Matters portal
  • How to access a FREE 1-1 meeting with a retirement expert.

To register on the My Money Matter platform click here - My Money Matters

Please note – New SC AVC applications will take a minimum of 1 month to process.

PDF icon EANI - Your retirement options explained - 180924.pdf

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