International Men's Day 2024

Men's Health

On November 19, International Men’s Day celebrates worldwide the positive value men bring to the world, their families and communities. We highlight positive role models and raise awareness of men’s well-being. The theme for 2024 is “Positive Male Role Models”.

Objectives Of International Men’s Day

The 6 Pillars of International Men’s Day

  1. To promote positive male role models; not just movie stars and sports men but every day, working class men who are living decent, honest lives.
  2. To celebrate men’s positive contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and to the environment.
  3. To focus on men’s health and wellbeing; social, emotional, physical and spiritual.
  4. To highlight discrimination against men; in areas of social services, social attitudes and expectations, and law
  5. To improve gender relations and promote gender equality
  6. To create a safer, better world; where people can be safe and grow to reach their full potential..

Get Involved

We provide suggestions on how you can celebrate International Men’s Day, and how to get your local community and council involved to create a community event and or a special award ceremony.

The month of November is important for the masculine soul because it gathers several events that are important to men. Movember is the month we focus on raising money for men’s health. On November 20, we celebrate International Children’s day which then forms 48 hours of celebration for men and children, and the special relationship they share.

So we have plenty of reasons to celebrate International Men’s Day. We invite you to check out the fact sheet on how to run a community event for International Men’s Day. Feel free to use the International Men’s Day Logo or adapt the IMD logo into your own language as the French have done. 

You might like to thank some men who are positive male role models in your community and use our IMD Appreciation Award certificates. You can download our posters and other resources here.

International Men’s Day encourages men to teach the boys in their lives the values, character and responsibilities of being a man. Mahatma Gandhi said, “We must become the change we seek.” It is only when we all, both men and women, lead by example that we will create a fair and safe society that allows everyone the opportunity to prosper.

Content sourced from International Mens Day ( To view our Men’s Health content, please click here.

Men's Health Useful Resources

At one time or another we can all feel overwhelmed. At times like these, it may be...
We all have good and bad days but what and when we eat can influence our mood, energy,...
‘Engage’ training is a comprehensive one day programme which seeks to address the current...
There is an increasing number of organisations / practitioners who are keen to involve...
Informing Choices NI are currently supported by the Public Health Agency to undertake a...
This programme is a six week training programme for groups of adults and focuses on...
A healthy diet and regular physical activity may help you manage the effects of prostate...
Move for Men is your new monthly fitness and wellbeing membership, designed to help you...
This includes: Raising awareness of depression and Aware NI services at a wide range of...
As part of this community, you can talk about whatever you want, from diagnosis to...
We rely on our incredible volunteers to help us spread the word about prostate cancer,...
Cancer Focus NI can provide a wide range of presentations to meet the needs of your...
The important thing to remember when you’re affected by prostate disease is that you’re...
Call us for free, unbiased, confidential support and information. There's no such thing...
Cancer Focus NI, Keeping Well vans are mobile drop-in units which bring health checks,...
We have a team of trained volunteers throughout the UK who carry out talks to groups both...
Each month we run an online support group for men on active surveillance - a form of...
Prostate Cancer UK have a team of trained volunteers throughout the UK who carry out...
Fatigue support is a telephone programme which includes 4 appointments with a Specialist...
There are hundreds of prostate cancer support groups in the UK. We have details of many...
There are a number of health campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness of...
Living with prostate cancer can be hard to deal with emotionally, as well as physically...
Guided meditations
Food diary, exercise tracker and diet coach
Learn to manage negative thoughts and look at problems differently
Handle stress and anxiety on the go
It’s an easy to follow programme known the world over, and perfect for those new to...
Active 10 is a free and easy to use walking app that tracks your walking and shows you...
Guided meditations
Your Mind Plan offers practical ideas and advice to help you boost and maintain your mental wellbeing. Answer the quick 5-question quiz and the Every Mind Matters widget will give you 5 tailored actions to help you feel more in control, improve your sleep, deal with stress and anxiety, and boost your mood – as well as the option to easily swap any actions and to save the whole plan via email.
Prostate Cancer UK launched a campaign to encourage men at higher risk of prostate cancer...