ADVOCACY FOR ALL – The Right Support at the Right Time
Mental HealthADVOCACY FOR ALL – The Right Support at the Right Time
A free service for people over 18 with mental health issues to find the right support and have their voice heard.
Advocacy for All is a free, regional mental health advocacy service funded by the Department of Health’s Mental Health Support Fund administered by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland.
Advocacy for All supports people who are over 18 with mild to moderate mental health issues to have their voice heard and to find the right support at the right time.
The service:
- Provides an opportunity to discuss options and rights around issues impacting mental health with a trained Mental Health Advocate.
- Empowers you to understand what choices are available to resolve issues impacting your mental health.
- Gives information and signposting in relation to mental health in your local area and supports you to access these services.
- Supports you to become more confident to speak up for yourself in relation to your mental health and wellbeing.
- Gives access to iConnect, a unique digital wellbeing platform enabling you to monitor and improve your mental health and wellbeing.
- Provides opportunities to engage in training that will help develop selfadvocacy skills.
If you have any questions or want to know more about the service, please contact:
Abbie Vance
Advocacy Support Officer
Advocacy for All
T: 0808 189 0036 M: 07920 809375
(Monday-Friday 10am-4pm)
For further information on this service please see attached information leaflet