Action on Hearing Loss - Hearing loss at work


Action on Hearing Loss have recently launched their Working for Change Campaign - which aims to change attitudes in the workplace, so that people who are deaf or have hearing loss are supported to fulfil their potential. 


Their research tells us that the biggest barrier people with hearing loss face in the workplace is the poor attitudes of employers. A lack of understanding and support from employers leads to talented individuals missing out on job opportunities and promotions. It leads to people not feeling comfortable enough to tell their employers about their hearing difficulties – and not getting the support they need to communicate effectively even when they do. Every day, people with hearing loss are feeling left out, and left behind.

Action on Hearing Loss are working to change this, and whether you’re an employer or an employee, they need your help.

As an employer, you can find more information, such as a free employer toolkit, downladable resources as well as visiting the employer's hub by clicking here.

As an employee you can 'take action', see more about the campaign so far and read Laura's story by clicking here.

For more information, you can contact Action on Hearing Loss NI on 028 9023 9619 or email

Action on Hearing Loss NI offer specialist support to people who are deaf or have a hearing loss to gain training, find a job and retain employment. To find out more about this, click here. 

Or to read more hearing articles please go to Hearing Problems under the Health Advice Tab

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