Newly Diagnosed

Dementia NI

If you have just been diagnosed with dementia, you may feel numb, scared, and find it difficult to take everything in. Give yourself time to adjust to what a dementia diagnosis means for you.

You may find it helpful to talk to a professional at your local memory clinic. All five of the Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs) in Northern Ireland have a dementia navigator service to help. Their role is to provide information and support – this can be face to face or over the telephone. A Dementia Navigator can direct you to other services which support people living with dementia to live fulfilling lives.

If you can, share your feelings about the dementia diagnosis with family and friends. When you feel ready, create an action plan while you are still able to make clear decisions for yourself. The booklet below can offer some advice, hints, and tips - download booklet now.

Dementia NI has established Dementia Empower and Support Groups throughout Northern Ireland which provide a place for members, who all have a diagnosis of dementia, to come together, reflect, share experiences, provide peer support, and consult with other organisations and professionals. Dementia NI members are people from across Northern Ireland who are living with a diagnosis of dementia, they support each other through friendship and understanding, particularly after a recent diagnosis of dementia.

Dementia NI members meet on a regular basis in suitable venues to offer each other support through friendly social gatherings and raise awareness about what it is like to live with the symptoms of dementia. The Empower and Support Groups are organised by a member of staff who provides administrative support and organises visitors, who come along to meet the members and learn from them.

Useful resources

Talking Point is an online community where people with dementia – as well as anyone...
Singing for the Brain brings people affected by dementia together to sing a variety of...
At Dementia NI we recognise the positive impact volunteers make to our organisation and...
We have established Dementia Empower and Support Groups throughout Northern Ireland...
The British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT) is the professional body for music...
Our Befriending service will connect you with a trained volunteer so you can do more of...
From arts and crafts to other activities like walking and yoga, we have an activity group...
Stay independent and continue doing the things you love. Our Community Support service...
Our Peer Support groups offer a reassuring, confidential and safe place to talk to others...
After consulting with Dementia NI members and other people with dementia throughout the...
We know dementia affects everyone differently. So whether you, a loved one, a friend or...
At Dementia NI we recognise the positive impact volunteers make to our organisation and...
Come along to one of our local cafes and have a cup of tea with someone who understands...