Going Out & Having Fun Without Alcohol – Expert Tips

Alcohol Guidance

In this Alcohol Change UK blog, Yasmin, founder of an alcohol-free events company, shares her tips on going out and having a great time without alcohol.

One of the biggest myths about non-drinking is that it means you have to miss out on socialising, clubbing or partying. Many people are afraid that they won’t be able to have fun, make friends or advance their careers if they don't join in. This fear can be strong enough to keep some people drinking even after their body has told them it's time to quit for good.

What if I told you there’s another way? Below, I’ve shared some of my top tips for having fun without alcohol.

Shift the focus away from alcohol

The party is not the drinking, it’s the people, it's celebrating life, it's the innate joy we all have inside ourselves. If you're having a good time and engaging in meaningful conversation, you will enjoy yourself at any party or social event, regardless of whether you’re drinking or not.

You may be awkward - but so is everyone else

First off, do not be embarrassed of your awkwardness. Embrace it! The second thing: Everyone is awkward and weird and goofy sometimes, and that should be celebrated! Who are we without the parts of ourselves we’re a bit embarrassed about? Don't be concerned about appearing any type of way when you’re socialising without alcohol – most people are feeling exactly the same, and those who are drinking probably aren’t paying that much attention!

Find your "why"

For many of us, the “why” is what motivates us to make a change. It is why you move forward with something despite all your other responsibilities. For the brevity of this blog we'll sum it up: Finding your “why” helps define your sobriety. A good starting point is remembering all the previous times in your life when you felt happy, excited and purposeful without alcohol featuring in it.

Reconnect with yourself; your likes, your dislikes, explore and try new things to keep finding out what you love. Hot tip: This will naturally change and occur as you go along. Life is not static so feel free to keep pivoting and adding to your roster of plans, dreams and desires!

You don't have to do this alone

The simplest, most obvious advice is that you don’t have to do this alone. Gather your friends and family around you (and the wonderful resources at Alcohol Change UK), seek online and IRL community groups to create your own support system.

The fact is, everyone needs a support system—whether for giving up drinking or anything else—so find one! There are so many people in this world who are non-drinkers who are just waiting to make a new sober friend.

Open up to others

It can be scary to open up about your decision to stop drinking but many more people will be willing to give their non-judgmental support if they know the truth. Don’t keep your decision a secret from the world. You never know how many people might want to congratulate you and offer their own encouragement. They may even consider trying it for themselves, too!

Remember: you CAN have fun without alcohol

The truth is, life, without the shackles of alcohol, is so much more colourful and exciting. You have the freedom to truly be yourself, live in the moment and be fully present. Yes, it can be daunting at first to step out sober, but ultimately you will reap the rewards – and your mental and physical health will improve, too!

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