Ways To Get Active

Get Fit

There are loads of ways to be more active – many of them perfect for anyone who’s not been physically active for a while. Better still, you don’t have to join a gym to take part (‘green gyms’ are free and outdoor!). To help give you some inspiration, we’ve put together just a few ideas of some different activities to try out. Many people enjoy being active as part of a pair a bigger group; so why not ask a family member or a friend to go walking, cycling, swimming... and get active together?


Still one of the simplest and cheapest ways to introduce more activity into your daily life  – but it needs to be a brisk walk. That means you are able to chat as you walk, but not be able to sing!. At that pace you are actually doing moderate intensity activity, so , your heart beats faster, you feel warmer and are slightly out of breath.


Got a garden? Or do you have access to a shared garden or allotment? Get your green fingers on and go for it. As well as being a real stress buster, a few hours of solid gardening (digging, planting, mowing and weeding) is a great form of physical activity. Plus you get the chance to say: “I did that!”


In recent years, dancing has come roaring back into fashion with TV challenge shows putting it in the spotlight. Whether it’s traditional ballroom dancing or something more modern, taking to the dance floor is a great way to get the physical activity your body needs. Not to mention a great way to socialise.


Swimming can be one of the most enjoyable ways to get more active, and it can be incredibly good for your sense of mental wellbeing too. there are public swimming pools in every part of Northern Ireland, so it’s a relatively easy form of physical activity for most of us to access. Swimming is a great activity to see your improvement – you may start off being able to do four or five widths or lengths and before long find yourself doing 10–15!  If you can’t swim, why don’t you check out some lessons at your local pool? It’s never too late to learn. Take the plunge and get wet to get active!


Cycling is growing in popularity all the time. No wonder. Not only is it a brilliant way to get out and about and explore your local area or head further afield, it’s also a fantastic way to get fit. Cycling is a great way to get active as a family, with a friend or to use a form of green transport going to and from work and the shops. Many employers in Northern Ireland are involved in the Cycle to Work scheme so why don’t you check it out?

The great outdoors

Northern Ireland has more than its fair share of outdoor spaces. Why not make the most of them and get your daily physical activity at the same time? A trip to a local park or somewhere further afield is a great way to stay active. Or maybe you have always wanted to try your hand at something new like kayaking, canoeing, archery or mountain climbing. This is your chance, so go on, take a friend, take the family, take the air!

Get Fit Useful Resources

Green Gyms are fun and free outdoor sessions where you will be guided in practical...
The Quick Fit programme offers positive steps to improve your health through diet and...
This idea is a walk in the park. It really is that simple, post a news item to see how...