If you or the person with dementia you care for observes Ramadan, we have information to support you. Shree Mehta cares for her grandmother, Sharda, who has vascular dementia.
In the never-ending busyness of daily life, it's easy to lose sight of what truly brings us joy. Focused on responsibilities and routines, finding happiness can slip down our priority list.
Money worries and mental health problems can be inextricably linked. We know that experiencing money problems is stressful, which can have a negative impact on our mental health.
The total cost of dementia in the UK is £42 billion. It is estimated that 63% of these costs are shouldered by people with dementia and their families.
No Smoking Month is here and the Public Health Agency (PHA) and Cancer Focus Northern Ireland are encouraging smokers to ‘Make March Your Month to Quit’.