Period Products Act (NI)

Women's Health

Period inequality contributes to the poor mental health and wellbeing experience of those who are unable to access the basic health essentials of period products. This is a growing issue particularly in light of the increased cost of living.

Period products are essential items for personal care to address a normal biological need and should therefore be available to everyone who needs them, regardless of their economic status.

To address this gap the Period Products (Free Provision) Act (NI) was made by the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2022 and requires that period products will be made available from May 2024. The requirements of the Act go beyond seeking to make provision for those in financial difficulty. Rather, as stated above, there is a recognition that period products are necessary and essential items that should be available free of charge and accessible by all persons who need to use them.

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Women's Health Useful Resources

The availability of free period products in public spaces has been increasing owing to...
Guided meditations
Support hub for mothers
Handle stress and anxiety on the go
Active 10 is a free and easy to use walking app that tracks your walking and shows you...
Learn to manage negative thoughts and look at problems differently
Track your treatment and wellbeing
Food diary, exercise tracker and diet coach
Support for breast cancer
Pregnancy and guidance for after birth
Guided meditations
It’s an easy to follow programme known the world over, and perfect for those new to...

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Women's Health Helplines & Web Chats

Informing Choices NI - Helpline
Royal Osteoporosis Society - Helpline
Macmillan - Forum
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Women's Aid - Forum
Association for Post-Natal Illness Helpline
Women's Aid - Domestic abuse helpline