Helplines NI

Autism / Mental Health / Men's Health / Women's Health / Sexual Health / Ageing Well / Managing Your Money / Consumer Rights & Advice / Family Health

Helplines NI is a signposting service to organisations that provide support services for a wide-range of health and wellbeing needs.

Services include information, advice, counselling, a listening ear and be-friending.

The member helplines are run by public, voluntary and community organisations and are non-profit making. Many of the services take place over the phone, but some can help via email, text and in some cases with live web-chat.

Check out the organisations on the HelplinesNI website. You can also download a poster and leaflet.

PDF icon helplines-leaflet.pdfPDF icon helplines-poster.pdf

Autism Useful Resources

Do you want to know more about what autism is? What does the diagnosis mean? How can I...
The course will explore the key characteristics of autism and how they may impact an...
Whatever your background, interests or time you have available, you'll find that...
Do you want to understand more about play for your child with autism and be able to...
The Mental Health and Autism Project provides one to one support to autistic young people...
Our Early Intervention Service is a partnership service, led by Autism NI, which aims to...
Autism NI offer a range of online and in person support courses for parents and carers...
One of our longest established services is our Family Support provision which is based in...
In Autism NI, the Family Support team co-ordinate Autistic Peer Networks for different...
Do you want to find out more about the simple adaptations for the workplace that can...
We are looking for Autism NI Ambassadors to help us raise awareness and spread the word...
Do you want to explore a range of strategies to help your child with emotions, stress and...
Autism NI are the only autism specific training agency in NI to offer the AQA unit award...
Autism NI is Northern Ireland’s longest serving autism charity and autism training...
Autism NI offer a range of online and in person support courses for parents and carers...
At Autism NI, the Family Support team co-ordinate a number of different types of support...
Autism NI offer a range of online and in person support courses for parents and carers...
Does your child or an individual you work with struggle with verbal communication? Would...
Autism NI provide a unique autistic adult support service which provides critical,...