Common posture mistakes and fixes
Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint PainHere are some exercises and tips to help alleviate muscle tension caused by poor sitting and standing habits.
Slouching in your chair
Slouching doesn't always cause discomfort, but over time this position can place strain on already sensitised muscles and soft tissues. This strain may increase tension in the muscles, which may in turn cause pain. Get into the habit of sitting correctly. It may not feel comfortable initially because your muscles have not been conditioned to support you in the correct position.
Sticking your bum out
If your bottom tends to stick out or you have a pronounced curve in your lower back, you may have hyperlordosis. This is an exaggerated inward curve of the lower back that creates a "Donald Duck" posture. Wearing high heels, excessive weight around the stomach and pregnancy can all contribue to a 'Donald Duck' posture. To correct this; keep your shoulders back and relaxed, pull in your abdomen, keep your feet about hip distance apart, balance your weight evenly on both feet, try not to tilt your head forward, backwards or sideways and keep your legs straight, but knees relaxed.
Hunched back and 'text neck'
Hunching over your keyboard is usually a sign that you have a tight chest and a weak upper back. Over time, this type of posture can contribute to you developing a rounded upper back, which can cause shoulder and upper back stiffness. When hunching over a computer, your head may tend to lean forward, which can lead to poor posture. Using a mobile can cause similar problems dubbed "text neck". Upper back, neck and rear shoulder strengthening exercises, chest stretches and neck posture drills are recommended to help correct a hunched back.
Visit the Health Advice section to find out more on Back Pain and How to Sit Correctly.
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