The Sleep Council - Bed MOT

Sleeping Better

We spent around a third of our lives in bed so if you’re having difficulty sleeping one of the first things to look at is your bed.

What you sleep on plays a huge part in how well you doze. A comfortable, supportive bed can make the difference between a restorative night’s sleep and poor quality sleep that results in tiredness and fatigue with research showing that sleeping on an uncomfortable bed could rob you of up to an hour’s sleep.

While you could be doing all the right things when it comes to sleep – eating the right foods, exercising regularly, switching off gadgets before bedtime, winding down properly and sleeping in cool, quiet and dark bedroom – if you’re sleeping on old, unsupportive and unhealthy bed you STILL won’t get a refreshing night’s sleep.

Want to know if a new bed could improve your chances of a better night’s sleep? Click here to take the Bed MOT!

Sleeping Better Useful Resources

Our vision is for everyone to be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep and that’s why...
Tackling the misconception that sleep needs decline with age by looking at why sleep...
Our Sleep Success programme builds on the learning from the Foundation Programme offering...
An exploration into why menopause can be a key trigger of insomnia because of the...
This training course is designed for professionals working in secondary schools. Research...
An introduction to understanding adult sleep, ideal for those wanting to expand their...
Our corporate online learning packages are aimed at supporting your wellbeing strategies...
This introductory course is aimed at parents and carers of teenagers with sleep...
Sleep Talkers is a ‘Train the Trainer’ programme which is aimed at organisations who have...
We are delighted to be able to offer the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-...
This training course is designed to improve sleep in the workplace and is suitable for...
Examining the close relationship between sleep and mental health, some of the sleep...
Our Foundation Programme provides an introduction to our work and is suitable for...
Learn how it develops, the importance of a diagnosis, some of the consequences associated...
Our corporate online learning packages are aimed at supporting your wellbeing strategies...
Sleep Tight is a course for professionals and provides the tools needed to deliver early...
This introductory course is aimed at professionals supporting teenagers with sleep...
Guided meditations
Guided meditations
Recharge is a personalised six-week program that helps improve your general health and...
Fabulous! Is a motivational app that uses challenges to help build physically and...