Top Tips To Get To Sleep & Sleep Better

Sleeping Better

If you're having sleep problems, there are simple steps you can take to improve your sleep hygiene, get into a daily routine and ease those restless nights.

Understanding sleep problems and insomnia

We all have evenings when we find it hard to fall asleep or find ourselves waking up in the night. How we sleep and how much sleep we need is different for all of us, and it often changes as we get older.

Sleep problems usually sort themselves out within about a month. But longer stretches of bad sleep can start to affect our lives. Poor sleep can cause extreme tiredness and make usually manageable tasks harder.

If you regularly have problems sleeping, you may be experiencing insomnia. Insomnia can last for months or even years, but usually improves if you change your sleeping habits.

Sleep problems are common, and the tips on this page should improve your sleep hygiene and help you create a daily sleep routine.

But if nothing helps you to sleep better, or you've had sleep problems for months and tiredness is affecting your daily life in a way that makes it hard to cope, you could benefit from further support.

Top tips to get to sleep and sleep better

Keep regular sleep hours

Making a habit of going to bed when you feel tired and getting up at roughly the same time helps teach your body to sleep better. Try to avoid napping where possible.

Confront sleeplessness

If you are lying awake unable to sleep, do not force it. Get up and do something relaxing for a bit, and return to bed when you feel sleepier.

Create a restful environment

Dark, quiet and cool environments generally make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Watch our video for tips on how to sleep better.

Write down your worries

If you often lie awake worrying about tomorrow, make it a part of your daily routine before bed to write a list for the next day. This can help put your mind at rest.

Move more, sleep better

Regular exercise is good for your physical health and your mind too – and being active during the day can help you sleep better. Just remember to avoid vigorous activity near bedtime if it affects your sleep.

Put down the pick-me-ups

Caffeine and alcohol can stop you falling asleep and prevent deep sleep. Try to cut down on alcohol and avoid caffeine close to bedtime.

Sleeping Better Useful Resources

Tackling the misconception that sleep needs decline with age by looking at why sleep...
Our Sleep Success programme builds on the learning from the Foundation Programme offering...
An exploration into why menopause can be a key trigger of insomnia because of the...
This training course is designed for professionals working in secondary schools. Research...
An introduction to understanding adult sleep, ideal for those wanting to expand their...
Our corporate online learning packages are aimed at supporting your wellbeing strategies...
This introductory course is aimed at parents and carers of teenagers with sleep...
Sleep Talkers is a ‘Train the Trainer’ programme which is aimed at organisations who have...
We are delighted to be able to offer the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-...
This training course is designed to improve sleep in the workplace and is suitable for...
Examining the close relationship between sleep and mental health, some of the sleep...
Our Foundation Programme provides an introduction to our work and is suitable for...
Learn how it develops, the importance of a diagnosis, some of the consequences associated...
Our corporate online learning packages are aimed at supporting your wellbeing strategies...
Sleep Tight is a course for professionals and provides the tools needed to deliver early...
This introductory course is aimed at professionals supporting teenagers with sleep...
Our vision is for everyone to be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep and that’s why...
Guided meditations
Guided meditations
Recharge is a personalised six-week program that helps improve your general health and...
Fabulous! Is a motivational app that uses challenges to help build physically and...