Caring for someone
Things go better in every walk of life if we are supported in our endeavours by people who know, love and respect us. Caring for and supporting relatives and friends is central to healthy communities. In every community there are people who would welcome support at various times in their lives. Everybody without exception, experiences ups and downs in their personal lives. Support in times when things are not going well is generally welcomed as long as it is provided in a sensitive and understanding manner. When people experience emotional distress, accepting and providing support becomes an even more sensitive matter.
At times, when emotional distress affects us we tend to forget that this is a normal part of human experience. Family members and carers are often an invaluable source of support at times like these. They have more intimate knowledge of the individual than can be assimilated quickly by any health professional and therefore can play a vital role in recovery.
Caring for someone can be challenging, especially if you're working. That’s why it’s important to know your rights, the support available and what you are entitled to.