Monthly Mover – 15-minute desk yoga

Arthritis/Back Pain/Joint Pain / Men's Health / Women's Health / Workplace Health

Wednesday 8th November 2023, 10.00am - 10.15am

Business in the community are facilitating a 15-minute desk yoga session. This is a quick movement session to help you release tension out of the shoulders, neck and back.

This desk yoga session – led by a qualified yoga instructor – will move you through a sequence of poses from the neck down to help you release muscular tension from the upper body. Yoga can also help to reduce stress and improve sitting posture through a combination of poses and breath-work practices. The session will be suitable for all levels, all you need is a chair!

Everyone is welcome to the next Monthly Mover session which takes place on Wednesday 8th November from 10.00am – 10.15am.

Take a short break from your computer with stretches and poses you can do right at your desk and made it a regular practice by accessing the easy to follow guide attached below.

Book your place by following the link

PDF icon Monthly-Mover--Chair-Yoga-by-Catherine-Downey.pdf

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Versus Arthritis - Helpline
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