Staying cool this summer

Sleeping Better

The summer sunshine is here and as well as lifting our spirits, it sure lifts the temperatures! Age NI have some top tips so that you can stay safe and be prepared for the summer weather. 

Drink cool water based drinks throughout the day

  • Keep thirst at bay - drinking little and often throughout the day
  • Water based drinks and milk are particularly re-hydrating
  • Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of water, so can be a cooling, refreshing, and hydrating
  • Always carry a drink with you when out and about. An insulated flask will keep cold drinks cold for longer – much more refreshing and cooling than sipping from a plastic bottle that gets warm in the heat of the sun.


Protect your skin – be burns aware

  • Use sunscreen of at least SPF30 (sun protection factor 30) with four or five stars (UVA and UVB).
  • Apply as you’re getting dressed in the morning
  • Apply again half an hour before going out into the sun
  • Reapply at least every two hours and, if you’ve been in water, or sweating reapply when your skin is dry


Take it easy

  • Avoid too much activity, especially at the hottest times of the day
  • Save essential chores such as gardening, washing the car and housework for the coolest parts of the day – early morning or late evening.
  • Keep after sun/moisturisers in the fridge


For the full list of tips, follow the link -

Check for heatwave warnings at the Met Office website.

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