10 ways to burn 100 calories

Get Fit

Simple changes are usually the best and most sustainable ways to incorporate physical activity into your everyday life and help to burn a few extras calories too. 

Whatever your preference, here are 10 ways to burn 100 calories: 


11 minutes for a game of singles; 16 minutes for doubles = 100 calories

Good for overall cardiovascular fitness, bone density, coordination and reaction time, tennis is also an ideal way to get fit if you prefer exercise to be sociable.


13 minutes walking uphill; 22 minutes walking at a moderate pace = 100 calories

Walking improves cardiovascular function, which in turn reduces disease risks. It also encourages lower-body strength and endurance, and, if done outside, boosts vitamin D.


13 minutes leisurely; 7 minutes for vigorous front crawl = 100 calories

Swimming is great for cardiovascular fitness, maintaining a healthy weight, and boosting muscle strength and endurance. It is low impact, so is ideal for those with joint issues, too.


9 minutes = 100 calories

As well as being an excellent cardio workout, Zumba improves motor fitness and coordination and increases bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.


10 minutes jogging; 5 minutes sprinting = 100 calories

Both sprinting and steady state running can improve cardiovascular fitness, body composition, and strength. They also increase bone density.


13 minutes for light cycling; 7.5 minutes for vigorous cycling = 100 calories

Cycling is a low-impact exercise that is beneficial for enhancing fitness, maintaining a healthy weight, and building strength and endurance in your lower body.

Strength Training 

25 minutes, working moderately = 100 calories

This improves strength, coordination, bone density, body definition and fitness. Moreover, resistance training can also elevate your metabolism for several hours after the workout. In other words, you continue to burn calories long after strength training.


31 minutes = 100 calories

Yoga is ideal if you prefer to serve high-intensity exercise, benefits include stress relief, and improved flexibility, strength and coordination.


34 minutes = 100 calories

This household activity may not initially seem that active (or fun!), but standing still for long periods can burn significant calories and work your core.


19.5 minutes = 100 calories

Gardening is a therapeutic activity that improves strength and endurance, and encourages positive mental health. Add in digging and shovelling to increase the burn.

Participate in these activities at an intensity that is safe for you and if you are unsure consult your GP on how to exercise safely. 

To read more on how to get fit, click here. 


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