Positive Ageing Month: Local Activities

Ageing Well

This Positive Ageing Month (October) the Public Health Agency (PHA) is encouraging everyone to recognise and celebrate the valuable role older people play in our society.

Jeff Scroggie, Regional Lead for Ageing Well at the PHA, said: “Older people play an integral part in strengthening our communities and neighbourhoods – as workers, carers, volunteers, activists and community connectors. However, these vital contributions can often be overlooked.”

To help address issues of health inequalities, encourage positive ageing and promote inter-generational connections, Age-Friendly Coordinators are funded by the PHA in all 11 Northern Ireland council areas.

They are hosting a wide range of activities, events and information sessions to both promote the role of older people in our society, and to encourage older people to keep active, connect and age well.

Jeff continued: “The Age-Friendly coordinators play a vital role, particularly during Positive Ageing Month, where they have the opportunity to highlight a comprehensive range of events, activities and support information within their council areas.

“Taking an age-friendly approach empowers older people to live healthier and more fulfilling lives, which is crucial to maintaining and improving their wellbeing. It can help reduce isolation, enable people to become more active, and forge important connections which are beneficial for our mental health and wellbeing. 

“Age-Friendly Coordinators and their community partners are able to build more face-to-face relationships during Positive Ageing Month, listening to and learning about the needs and challenges some older members of their community face.” 

Positive Ageing Month emphasises the importance of creating inclusive communities that celebrate and support the contributions of older adults. Everyone has a role to play in ensuring our communities are great places to grow older, and in enabling older people to make their fullest contributions.

“The Age-Friendly Network continues to grow across Northern Ireland, with extensive supportive resources and a calendar of events that have been organised for this year’s Positive Ageing Month. The PHA will shine a spotlight on events from the PHA-supported Age-Friendly Network on our social media channels throughout the month of October,” Jeff concluded.

To find out more about what is planned by your local council Age-Friendly Coordinator, visit your local council website and their social media channels. Follow the PHA social media channels where activity and event highlights will feature through the month of October.

Some examples of this year’s Positive Ageing Month activities include:

The Ards and North Down Age-Friendly Roadshow which will provide people aged 50+ across Ards and North Down, with valuable information, support and activities in partnership with Ards and North Down Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust

This includes, Move More Live More demonstrations; scam awareness; information and advice; health and wellbeing support as well as a number of exhibitors. To find out more visit www.ardsandnorthdown.gov.uk/positive-ageing-month

Derry City and Strabane District Council Age Friendly Coordinator and Western Health and Social Care Trust have produced a Guide for over 50s. The guide is another practical example of the Council’s Age Friendly Strategy being put into action, pulling together all the relevant signposting information into one handy and accessible resource. The brochure is available at a number of locations across the council as well as online at:www.derrystrabane.com/community/age-friendly/positive-ageing-month 

Causeway Coast and Glens Age-Friendly Coordinator produced a detailed programme for Positive Ageing Month packed with a fantastic variety of events, including activities to suit all interests from guided walks, arts, sports and cultural activities, to online training sessions and employment advice clinics. Find out more at:www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk/live/age-friendly/positive-ageing-month

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