Meet the Experts - Compassionate Communities NI

Caring for someone

Compassionate Communities NI

Compassionate Communities NI are delighted to tell you about the release of the new video series, 'Meet the Experts'.

'Meet the Experts' is a video series of professionals who are involved in supporting people living with advanced illness and frailty to the end of their lives. These videos are very useful to raise the awareness of services available and also to educate the public.

Compassionate Communities NI, in collaboration with various health and social care professionals from Northern Trust, Western Trust, Foyle Hospice and Marie Curie, co-designed a series of 10 videos that introduces a number of health and social care professionals that people are likely to meet during their palliative care and end of life care journey. All resources are available for public use and are hosted on the ‘Resources’ page on

Feeling overwhelmed can increase a person’s sense of fear and reduce feelings of control; both impact a person’s mental and emotional wellbeing and can affect some of the decisions they make. It is therefore, vitally important that people really understand what is happening and how they can access information that will support them to improve their quality of life.

Caring for someone Useful Resources

Eating disorders affect not only the person suffering but the people around them too...
We understand that a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition, or suffering a heart attack...
The Carer and Family Support service is aimed at carers and family members of people who...
MindWise safeguards children and adults by committing to a ‘zero tolerance’ of abuse. We...
Our thriving community of volunteers aims to reach carers early on in their caring role...
The British Red Cross is helping people connect with their local communities, meet new...
For information about Carer Support in the Northern Ireland, please click here .
Our online Carers Education Programme is here for you if you are caring for a loved one...
If you would like to talk to someone who understands the challenges of caring, you can...
The British Red Cross provides over 58,000 wheelchairs to people across the UK every year...