Financial Tips for the New Year

Financial Health

Let’s face it, January can be difficult month as far as finances go, we’ve said goodbye to Christmas and with it perhaps, some festive overspending.

On the other hand, January is a time for new beginnings and a fresh start. We vow to exercise more, eat healthier, and perhaps drink less. But how about making a news years’ resolution to save more, budget for that holiday you’ve just booked or saving more for a rainy day.

There are a number of financial tools that are provided by The Money Advice Service and are available for you to use through the hub.

Simply follow the links to go directly to each one.

Budget Planner

Debt Advice Locator

Money Health Check

Savings Calculator

There are also a number of helpful articles, including; ‘Why it pays to save regularly’,

‘Saving money to boost your budget’, ‘The best way to pay bills’ and more. Simply follow the link to Financial Health.

Financial Health Useful Resources

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Advice NI can offer in-house training and/or workshops at a time, date or location...
We have offered accredited and non-accredited training in age issues since 2008 including...
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