Sleeptember: Sleep Diary For Children

Sleeping Better / Family Health

A sleep diary can be helpful in establishing if there’s any pattern with your children’s sleep issue. For instance, it might identify if there’s difficulty going to sleep on a Sunday night because of anxiety about school.

As a parent it can give you something proactive to do especially if you think your child has a sleep issue and there are no available appointments or support. It can be a good way of recording data and having information to hand should you need to present to a GP or health professional.

Tips for using a sleep diary:

  • Complete it honestly – there is no judgement!
  • Needs to be kept for 2 weeks to look for patterns
  • Keep by the bed to make it easier to fill in. It can be hard to remember details the next day.
  • If your child sleeps elsewhere e.g. other parent, grandparents or respite make sure they fill it in too
  • Don’t use it if it feels overwhelming

Things to check

  • Average number of hours sleep per night (but remember all children do not need the same amount)
  • How long it is taking to fall asleep (shouldn’t take longer than approx. 15 mins)
  • Length of bedtime routine (should be around one hour)
  • How your child is going to sleep e.g. with a parent, downstairs etc
  • Do they seem sleep deprived e.g. lethargic next day, emotional, hyperactive
  • Time they wake each morning
  • Any different patterns at weekends?

Ready to get started?

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